Tuesday 3 July 2012

Well, life is getting in the way of finishing this quilt!  I've been working so not had much chance plus I've been completely stumped with how to stitch round the applique dinosaurs.  Three attempts using different stitches and threads failed, I think due to the fact that my sewing machine is v. basic.

Luckily my mum is visiting my aunt this week and has a much better sewing machine so she is sewing round them for me.  Feeling a bit guilty though, as it's apparently taking a while, some of them are a bit fiddly, and she's using blanket stitch.  I'd have been happy with an invisible-ish straight stitch round them.

Anyway, I'll hopefully be getting it back at the weekend maybe, and then I just need to finish off - famous last words!

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Cool, so it seems I can post pics direct from my phone using the app :)

Let's see

Will this work?

OK, so this is kind of a double new thing.  I'm trying my hand at new crafts (primarily quilting at the moment) plus I've never written a blog before.

I thought it might be good for my own confidence to see how things progress.

Trouble is, the creativity I have in my head rarely translates when I try to put things into practice!

I'm currently working on a quilt for my nephew that's been made from a duvet cover I got for £4.50 in a sale.

When I work out how to get this thing to add pictures, I'll put some up...